Choosing kitchen and bathroom blinds

A common mistake to make when considering kitchen or bathroom blinds is that the same rules apply as the rest of your house. The conditions that these blinds will have to contend with are completely different. If you consider boiling kettles, simmering saucepans, hot baths and showers, the conditions that the blinds will have to withstand in a kitchen or bathroom are completely different from any other room in your home.

When considering to decorate a bathroom or kitchen, consideration is needed to be given about what water repellent / resisting materials can be used. Having your window treatments made from heavy fabrics ideally should be avoided, because the fabric will soak up moisture (and cooking odours) and will eventually suffer from mildew and possibly shrinkage.

There are three main choices for kitchen and bathroom windows, the first being aluminium venetian blinds, these are ideal in either of these rooms because they are not affected by condensation and are available in a huge range of colours to match all décor tastes.

In second place are roller blinds, these work perfectly in kitchens and bathrooms and also have the option of having shaped bottoms and braid to soften the overall look. The only thing to consider is the specification of the fabric to make sure it is suitable for a damp environment. An unsuitable fabric can and will suffer from mildew and shrinkage very quickly.

In third place are vertical blinds, these are available with two different sizes of louvres, 89mm (3 1/2”) or 127mm (5”). The same rule applies with these as to roller blinds. Ensure that the specification states that the fabric is suitable for a damp environment, otherwise shrinkage and mildew will become a major problem.

For a kitchen, you may have a door and a window that require blinds, many of the fabrics that are suitable for these rooms are available as roller and vertical blinds, so you can have a different style of blind at the window to the door but in the same fabric.

Wooden venetian blinds are not recommended for bathrooms or kitchens, because they are not treated to withstand condensation and can become susceptible to warping.

Once you have chosen a fabric for you kitchen or bathroom blind, it will also be perfect to use at any other window in your home, if it can work in a kitchen or bathroom it can work anywhere.

For more information contact us on 0800 634 8 634.

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